Nika Antuanette
Dancer. Teacher. Model

Michael Cazares Photography

Nika Antuanette
Hi, I'm a Dancer, Teacher, & Wellness Enthusiast!
I have performed with several companies across NYC, the US, and the world.
In addition to choreographing and performing in music videos, dance films, and immersive experiences, I also love teaching. I share dance, yoga, stretch & mindfulness techniques in private & group formats.
I'm passionate about incorporating the plethora of wellness techniques I have learned (and continue to develop) into my life & sharing these beneficial practices with others.
Follow @nika.antuanette for more!
Let's tap into the body's wisdom, stay curious, and keep inspiring one another to be the best version of ourselves.
Photo By Ricky G
View Chew

View Chew is about our perpetual consumption as a society. It offers a visual representation of how we consume all types of things - food, media, news, music, conversation, substances of all sorts - & all this hectic activity & motion just to sustain this passive lifestyle. Can we find balance & connect amongst the seductive lure of these endless offerings?

Dance like no one is watching
This Alison Cook Beatty Dance project was created as a tribute to all of the performers, backstage workers, production staff, & audience members that have all contributed to creating the magic of live performance in a theatre.
Artistic Director Alison Cook-Beatty choreographed this work and rehearsed entirely on Zoom with dancer, Nika Antuanette.
Filmed at The Strand Theatre in Boston; Videographer & Editor: Ellen Maynard; Lighting: Tony Marques,
Costume Design: Ali Taghavi; Stage Hands: Nick Beatty & Jeremy Cone; Graphic Design for Quotes: Miranda Struck
Special Thanks to the Mayor's Office of Arts in the City of Boston for the generous support! Thank You to Jessica Gordon Academy of Performing Arts for providing rehearsal space for this work's development. All rights reserved by Alison Cook Beatty Dance
Nika choreographed the dance in Sivan Arbels' "Change," made possible by the Cultural Department of Mif'al Hapais in Israel.
Producer, Artist: Sivan Arbel
Director, Producer, Writer: Mor Cohen
DP: Polaris Banks; AC: Justine Bertrand
Actors: Jeremy Cone, Peter F. Piccini, Avery Ilardi
Let's Dance!
Mindfulness practices

Guiding Meditation at Sunset Yoga Bonfire - San Diego, CA
Photo by Alfredo Lopez
Adult Food
"Nika was in total command of her character. We see an almost manic side to her, appropriate for her role, as she whips across the stage. She executes her dance material - ripe with turns, slashing arm movements, and hand gestures that look like painting or writing - with a power so large it causes a reverberation in her classmates, who flee and literally duck for cover."

Photo by Russell Haydn
Nika performing in Alison Cook-Beatty's piece "The Accused." Alison Cook Beatty Dance
Photo by Russel Haydn